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A part ofnature

The Gramai Alm blends seamlessly into the protected landscape of the Karwendel Alpine Park. It naturally shows itself from its best side.

Respecting the environment

The Gramai Alm is located in a privileged and quiet spot. This is something we appreciate every day and knowingly protect. Nature's rhythm sets the pace before, after and with which we live and work. We see ourselves as a part of the environment, whose remedies and products we are allowed to use and for which we give something back.

  • We heat our house by a pellet heating with wood, a renewable resource. In addition, during the combustion process, only as much CO2 is released as would be the case with natural rotting
  • Wherever possible, we use energy-saving lamps
  • Most of our hot water is recovered via heat recovery
  • The faucets are equipped with flow restrictors, the toilet cisterns with rinse stops
  • We consistently separate our waste according to compostable organic material, paper, glass, metal, plastics and special waste
  • All the delicacies that you enjoy at the breakfast buffet are 100% without packaging - because it tastes better without plastic!
  • We use reusable packaging and refrain from unnecessary small packaging
  • As much as possible of the food we use comes from the region, sometimes even from our own production
  • We only use natural flavor enhancers, such as herbs and oils
  • We only use mild detergents
  • Instead of chemical fragrance dispensers, natural scented oils are used at Gramai Alm
  • The guest decides on the change of towels
Gramai mountain spring: exquisite, fresh and pure... an elixir of life!

The Grami Alm has a treasure that is arguably one of a kind. The Karwendel rock springs produce bubbling mineral water at an altitude of 1,700 metres. Naturally purified by the many stones, the water flows down to us in the valley. Jump into our natural, sun-warmed mountain lake, whirlpool or showers to experience the full, revitalising power of this special element. Immerse yourself in our fresh mountain spring water.

My little piece oftime-out